Well, I guess there had to be a first time…..

Here we are….OMG

The thought of a blog has been germinating for a long time. For the love of me, I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to write something down.

I love all things fashion, fragrance and beauty with a touch of luxury living, a hint of epicurean delights and flights of fancy.  So far, life’s been a fabulous adventure with many twists and turns, so this blog, which I really hope to write on a timely basis, will reflect my fun thoughts, musings and other “stuff” which make me happy.

I’m warning you though, there may be a bit of sarcasm bandied about along with some beauty talk and fashion fabulousness, but I’ll try to be on my best behavior as I keep it entertaining, informative and oh…alright, family-friendly.

Today it’s all about nature’s beauty. I LOVE LOVE LOVE flowers and I can’t imagine summer without colorful stemmed beauties like roses, hydrangeas (love the pink ones) and peonies.  Looking at them makes me so happy, the happy that comes from deep in your heart.  And anyone who knows me, really knows me, knows just how easy it is to make me smile with, you guessed it, flowers.

The photo below is not just a rose but a Kennedy Rose, named after, well, you guessed it, Rose Kennedy of the famous iconic Kennedy clan.

It’s a hybrid TEA rose with shimmering white blossoms,LOVE, and absolutely perfect petals. So very graceful, it is the ultimate luxe of a rose, and the most fragrant of white roses. Oh and it doesn’t wilt during the heat of summer


A beautiful creation


Girly pink and pretty

Girly pink and pretty

And this I didn’t know but, apparently the hydrangea  is a poisonous plant but, it’s used as tea in places like Korea and Japan.  Some of its health benefits include the treatment of autoimmune disorders and providing your immune system a big boost.

Imagine, the luxury of knowing  the benefits of such beautiful flower.

Luxury is everywhere, it’s simply a matter of looking.












Posted on May 18, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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